harvard business publishing business education app

Fall 2020

Iovine & Young Academy Industry Lab

Harvard Business Publishing

Team Project

1/ brief



Harvard Business Publishing is a subsidiary of Harvard Business School. Its mission is to improve the practice of management in a changing world.


We were presented with the challenge of expanding the reach of their rich library of 27,000+ business case studies to a younger, undergraduate audience. We set to analyze, critique, and expand upon the early prototypes of HBP's current solution.


2/ research


We conducted thorough user research & analysis of 200+ students and professors through an online survey, 1:1 interviews, and in-class studies to understand the needs and desires of undergraduate students regarding business education.


3/ solution


The team decided to pursue 4 directions. I co-led two of these directions, one focused on a standardized assessment for responsible business, and the other focused on making learning more engaging by implementing interactive media and project-based learning into the lessons and assignments.

COVID-19 has brought to the forefront inequalities resulting from American enterprises. HBP's influence inspired me to think about the impact the institution could have if they amplify the values of responsible business among younger entrepreneurs.

The interactive media initiative was inspired by the virtual learning modality we have been forced into during COVID lockdowns, and exploring the opportunity to increase student engagement in this new modality.


* final details of work under NDA


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